
The following are testimonials of doctors, medical practitioners, and end users of Biofilam. These testimonials were collected prior to 2007 (most around 1999 to 2003) and they referred to the brand name “Modifilan”. As that product is now called Biofilam, the reviews have been modified to incorporate this name change (for the sake of accuracy in terms of what product they refer to in todays terms). Are you currently using Modifilam? We are very interested in hearing your story, welcome to send us your testimonial.

Health Practitioners

I have used BIOFILAM extensively over the last year (1998/1999) for numerous reasons. I am fully aware of the naturopathic effects and biochemistry of this product and, therefore, I have found it to be a great adjunct and treatment choice for many of my patients.

Since I have done most of my work in arthritis, collagen research and functional nutritional biochemistry, immunity and chelation therapy, I have applied and used this product for those reasons. The response was very good, gratifying and in some cases, rather significant.

Some of my patients have reported excellent results in conjunction with oral chelation therapy, e.g. detoxification re: mercury, cadmium, lead, etc. Personally, I have experienced the same effects over the last 6-8 months. Certainly, I am planning to continue on a daily basis with taking Biofilam. It is needless to say hat Biofilam would affect and lower cholesterol (LDL), regulate blood sugar and exert different anti-viral and anti-cancer effects. It is one of the best, most pure vitamin upplements and there is a good use for hypothyroidism due to iodine content. Also, it is a well known fact that cholesterol metabolism is closely connected with algorithm of collagen cartilage breakdown – e.g. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

I am sure that an ongoing use of this product would bring up more of the results in many areas and disciplines of patient’s care (generally and specifically). I can fully recommend this product.

V. Shurlan, M.D.

Orthopedics, Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation

I have been recommending Biofilam to many of my patients with chronic serious conditions, and as a follow-up treatment after radiation. We are all pleased with their improved health. Thank you for bringing this product to us!
Jacqueline Carson, N.D.

Ojai, California, September 6, 2000

There is interesting potential application of Biofilam as one of the best sources of fucoidan is for inflammatory conditions of the alimentary tract. The inflammation process involves elevated synthesis of the proinflammotory mediators like adhesion molecules, white cell infiltration of gastrointestinal mucosa and altered mucosal integrity. Therapeutic use of heparin has produced clinical remission in the majority of patients with inflammatory bowel disorder. One of the mechanisms involved is restoration of the fibroblast growth factor activity that stimulates repair of the epithelium. Since fucoidan shares many properties with heparin including cell surfact activity one can expect similar therapeutic benefit with use of fucoidan. Another mechanism of the beneficial effect of heparin, heparan sulphate and potentially fucoidan is their mucosal – protective properties as glycosaminoglycans. Gastrointestinal inflammation may cause alteration in the protective mucosal layer of glycosalminoglycans and may cause substances like heparin and fucoidan to become “conditionally essential” nutrients suitable for oral administration because they can be absorbed across the GI mucosa.
L. Gordin, M.D.

Cambridge, MA

We are finding that Biofilam causes significant reduction in substances such as mercury and uranium. I am very pleased with this product and the results.
James R. Privitera, M.D.

Allergy and Nutrition, Covina, CA

Customers (end users)

One reason why we were so interested in Biofilam though was that I was having some immune system problems because of a gastric by-pass done back in 1980. I had had the majority of the lower part of my stomach stapled off which makes the intrinsic factor (B-12) and the hydrochloric acid and the digestive enzymes. Of course these are vital to digestion. My first Live Blood Analysis showed that my immune system was very “inactive”. In November of 2000 (after taking Biofilam) my immune response was good not great yet but very much improved. I had mercury fillings in my mouth that were probably leaching mercury into my system. I felt that I needed some help in this area as well. But the real concern for me was the radiation issue. When I was a child (I am a younger 61 year old now), shoe stores used to have these x-ray machines in their stores to show just how much growing room there was in the new shoes we were trying on. Perhaps some of you may remember these machines. Well, all of us kids had a great time playing with this machine. We didn’t know back then that x-rays were dangerous because of all the radiation. We were never told. Of course I get x-rays when I go to the dentist, when I have a mammogram or the doctor wants to look at anything. I am really surprised I am still alive. This was one of the reasons I started taking Biofilam faithfully. Since I have not had a hair analysis yet I can’t tell the full extent of my progress however just the fact that my hair is getting thicker and my fingernails are stronger and harder tells me something is happening I plan to take Biofilam for the rest of my life. Biofilam works …probably more than I know right now.
Mary Ann Kretschmann N.D

Camarillo, Ca

I wanted to write this note to tell you about my experience with Biofilam. I originally started taking this product for the heavy metal cleansing I wanted to do. This worked fine and wonderful – and, to my absolute surprise – it eliminated wrinkles from my face and neck. One day I was applying my morning make-up and noticed that the wrinkles on my forehead – that had been there since I was a teenager-I am now 53 – were gone. There were three heavy creases on my forehead all my adult life. Now only the top and most prominent one is still visible. The others are totally gone. And maybe the most wonderful thing (or at least as wonderful) that I forgot to tell you was that my hair started to grow again. One of the things going on with me has been this burning, red scalp and my always very thick hair has started to really thin – I also was using chemical hair color, and as I have been trying to let my hair grow out some, I have been pulling it back and at different times there are different amounts of new hair growing. So visibly at the hair line it is at times really noticeable. All these little one inch hairs that grow out. Thank you with all my heart for such a wonderful product. Whatever motivated you to sell this product, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Misty L. Butler

For many months I had been taking one heaping teaspoon of Biofilam Seaweed Powder in a cup of warm water with ½ ounce of cranberry juice. This absorbs and counteracts radioactive elements, detoxifies dangerous heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, cobalt and radium. Biofilam strengthens the immune system, inhibits growth of tumor cells, aids in digestion, is an anti-viral and anti-cancer agent Quote from testimony of Mr. Howe, at age 75, is now clear of Prostate Cancer, published in newsletter of Cancer Victor Foundation, San Jose, CA (October issue, Vol.20, page 4).
Edward Howe

Ever since I was introduced to BIOFILAM, my health has changed. Being sick from what has come to be called the Gulf War Syndrome, my life was very difficult. Last year when I started to take BIOFILAM, there was a noticeable relief after a couple of months. I did not have any more stomach disorder, joint and muscle pain, headache, and insomnia. I will always keep a supply of BIOFILAM available. A neighbor’s colleague was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor put her on chemotherapy. When this woman was offered BIOFILAM, she took it and felt much relief from taking BIOFILAM. My neighbor told me that this woman would not go without having her BIOFILAM.
Melkan Thomas

El Segundo, CA

I have been eager to write to you in regards to your product, Biofilam. I spoke to you recently during the Cancer Conference in Universal City, California during the month of Sept. 1999. I have used your product Biofilam over the past 12 months. I was eager to speak to you during the conference to express to you how pleased I am with your product. I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years and four months ago. As a result of my condition my doctors performed an intensive surgery called a Whipple procedure. After my surgery, I also underwent chemotherapy and radiation. Due to the surgery and my chemotherapy and radiation, I was told by my doctors that I would never get back to my original weight. I had lost a total of 18 pounds. A year ago I had met you and discovered your product at a Cancer Conference in Pasadena, California. I was desperately seeking something that would help me feel more energized and help me put back some of the weight I had lost. After searching all day at the conference, I finally found your product on my way out. Since then I have been taking Biofilam daily. As a result, I have gained back almost all of my weight, 14 pounds. I have also noticed an increase in my energy level and my red blood cell count is back to normal. I truly believe your product is responsible for my new health because I have not tried any other products. I am happy to say that to this day I am cancer free and enjoying life tremendously every day. Thank you for helping me get my health back! I will continue to use your product daily and highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking about trying it.
Franka Mladineo Chavez

I have always known that I get the most minerals from eating sea vegetables yet I don’t always take the time to prepare them. Biofilam makes it easy for me to get those nutrients. I also love the way it tastes and I like to open up the capsules and put it on my food. It’s great on a salad or rice and it takes the place of salt. Because the kombu is processed in it’s raw state I know that I am getting the most nutrients from it. I highly recommend this product and a staple to anyone’s diet.
Jill Buzan

Sarasota, FL

My husband and I are using Biofilam ritually and feel increased energy and good digestion. He is not taking Tylenol for his headaches anymore. He certainly is not changing his bad diet, so it must be your product. Thank you for your wonderful product.
L. Wood

San Diego, CA, June 2, 2002

For the past five years I have worked in the computer industry. I noticed I was losing my hair all over my head. My energy level was not very good. I started to take Biofilam, three capsules per day, about one year ago. I immediately noticed I had a great deal more energy and felt better in general. After about one month, I noticed my hair stopped falling out when I combed it in the morning. I also noticed that the structure of my hair felt stronger and the color was richer-looking. My wife at the same time also began taking Biofilam, about one capsule per day. She noticed a big increase in her energy level and sense of well-being as well. She noticed her nails became stronger. I highly recommend this product for everyone who works in front of a computer and for general health for everyone.
Mr. and Mrs. S. McGrath

San Carlos, CA

As a person who is currently receiving chemotherapy, I feel very fortunate to have discovered Biofilam. I started taking heavy duty cancer treatment on February 1st of this year. After my second treatment on February 22nd, clusters of my hair fell out daily until, about two weeks later, my scalp felt smooth as an egg shell. During this time I was afraid that a strong wind could have blown all my hair away! On or about February 17th I started taking between 12-18 capsules of Biofilam every day. Around the beginning of April, my scalp felt like a day’s growth on an unshaved beard. Yesterday, a friend observed that my hair is slowly growing despite the medication. Most importantly, my energy has returned and I feel that I’m getting better all the time. I trust in God to answer my prayers for a full and complete recovery.
Barbara R. Winer

Tarzana, CA, May 6, 2000

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