Biofilam 1kg – WHOLESALE

US$ 320.00

B IOFILAM (aka. Modifilan) was developed in Russia by a group of scientists who worked in the State Rehabilitation Institute, where victims of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe underwent treatment. The healing qualities of seaweed had been known for centuries, so the Russian government instructed scientists to find an effective and powerful remedy for the radiation poisoning of that particular population. After trying out various forms of algae, one type yielded the best scientific data for this purpose. It was the brown seaweed known as Laminaria japonica, which grows wild in the northern Pacific Ocean of the coast of uninhabited islands far to the East of Russia, known as the Kurils.

One of the main qualities of Laminaria is its high content of alginates, which are enhanced by the extraction process used to produce BIOFILAM. Alginates are the most effective organic elements that enable the human body to get rid of heavy metals and toxins. Not all “algae” have alginates; blue or green algae does not. According to scientific testing, only this brown seaweed does! The unique method of extraction, as well as the quality of this seaweed, are leading. BIOFILAM has about 55% of the highest quality alginates.

The low-temperature processing of BIOFILAM causes sloughing off of the heavy outer fibers of the seaweed, while retaining the essential properties of the plant. This process further enhances its bio-availability, making the Laminaria more digestible. Forty five pounds of raw Laminaria are required to make one pound of BIOFILAM. Eating 8 capsules of extract a day provides the same amount of good, organic micro- and macro-elements contained in entire plate of this nutrient-rich seaweed. And, it is not cooked. The oldest Japanese recipes of preparing seaweed tell us to eat seaweed raw, rather than cooked. Modern science affirms that an anti-cancer substance called Fucoidan, as well as beneficial polysaccharides, will break down if the seaweed is cooked. This was determined when studies were performed on the Japanese island Okinawa, known for its lowest cancer death rate in Japan.

Typically ships in: 1 to 3 days

Biofilam (aka. Modifilan) is the world’s best giant brown kelp (LAMINARIA JAPONICA) concentrate.
Research on Biofilam (specifically kelp, or Laminaria japonica, aka. Kombu), and on it’s constituents such as alginate, fucoidan, full spectrum minerals and trace elements, etc.) suggests Biofilam may deliver the following benefits:

  • Boosts the immune system.
  • May help protect against thyroid cancer and other cancers.
  • Helps to decrease high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Detoxifies the body from heavy metals, radioactive elements, free radicals and other environmental toxins.
  • Helps those who are overweight by improving the function of the gastrointestinal tract, and improving the metabolism.
  • Improves the structure of hair and nails, and help them to grow.
  • Help to detoxify smokers from strontium and cadmium.
  • … numerous other benefits as detailed elsewhere on this web site
I have been working with Biofilam (previously called Modifilan) since 2003. I’ve provided it to many hundreds of clients in my traditional naturopathy practice, and have been using it myself (off and on) for over 10 years. Biofilam is a rich source of natural iodine (vitally important for optimum health) and the entire spectrum of bio-available minerals and trace elements, most of which are seriously lacking in agricultural soils and, therefore, in our land based food products. This is the #1 natural, organic, cold-processed super-food I recommend to people I care about. In fact, Biofilam is the primary reason this speciality web-store exists: so my friends, family, and clients can benefit from this powerful health-promoting product in a low-cost bulk capsule and powder form.
This product is sold as-is, and is non-returnable and non-refundable. Therefore it is important you ensure this is what you want, before purchasing. Kelp concentrate has a distinct oceanic flavor. If you are not accustomed to eating sea vegetables, it is recommended that you first buy a standard retail bottle of Biofilam (or Modifilan) capsules. Empty 10 capsules into water, stir, and drink. If you find that okay to drink, then you should be just fine with using this bulk power. Please refer to my Returns Policy for full details.
I recommend using this product in powder form, if you don’t mind the taste. Experience shows me at least 80% of people are fine with drinking this in a powder form. The other 20% find ocean based products hard to stomach, in which case it’s better to use the capsules. This product is originally from Russia, where it was always used as a powder. It only started to be encapsulated in order to accommodate the palate of the average American, most of whom are not accustomed to raw, natural, ocean vegetable products.
100% Pure, concentrated (45:1), low temperature (raw) processed, Laminaria japonica (inner gel) powder. Nothing else.


No known allergens. Free of soy, dairy, wheat, gluten, nuts, eggs, sesame. Biofilam is a rich source of natural organic iodine. People with acute sensitivity to iodine and iodine containing products are advised to consult a qualified health practitioner prior to using this product.

The Best Price

We sell Biofilam in a bulk powder form to ensure you get it at the best possible price. We recommend taking 1 teaspoon (about 5g) daily for 4 to 6 months, and then dropping down to a maintenance dose of around 2 grams. This would require a lot of capsules. Buying bulk powder makes it easy and more affordable. Take a look at the following chart (all prices are calculated in US$):

Our 500g bulk powder

The best way to use Biofilam
  • 1.1 lbs of powder + 3 month (100 day) supply @ 5g / day. The ideal period to use BioFilam is 5g per day for four to six months. + Next least expensive option. + Easiest way to take it, if you are not adverse to the seaweed taste (it can be mixed into a smoothie to hide the taste)

Our bulk capsules

(package of 1980 caps)
  • 10 capsules per day, provides recommended 5g of Biofilam. + Full six month supply + Good option for the few people who can't handle the taste of kelp + Much cheaper than bottles of 90 capsules - Requires swallowing a lot of capsules - More expensive than our bulk powder

Normal retail capsules

Bottle of 90, at RRP of $30+
  • Good option for trying Biofilam for a week or two - Most expensive way to buy Biofilam - Typical retail price is around US$30 for 90 capsules - Requires swallowing a lot of capsules (up to 10 per day)

Full Biofilam Product Description

What follows is a summary of the detailed Biofilam information available throughout this web site.

What does BIOFILAM do?*
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Can help protect against thyroid cancer and other cancers.
  • Helps to decrease high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Detoxifies the body from heavy metals, radioactive elements, free radicals and toxins.
  • Helps those who are overweight by improving the function of the gastro-intestinal tract.
  • Improves the structure of hair and nails and help them to grow.
  • Help to detoxify smokers from strontium and cadmium.

* The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Giant Kelp — Laminaria Japonica
The powers of seaweeds have been drawn upon for centuries for their ability to prolong life, prevent disease, impart beauty and health. Worldwide research is continuously being done and brown seaweed has been found to be the most beneficial type. The soft inner part of the brown seaweed is squeezed out of the leaves and made into dry powder using a simple cold-temperature extraction process that retains the important organic elements. When taken with plenty of water, our natural products deliver all of the naturally occurring minerals and vitamins of Laminaria japonica in a soluble, bio-available form that is easily digestible. This seaweed is harvested from the Kuril Islands, where it grows the largest. Here the cold water flowing down from the Arctic meets the warm water from the south in a great swirl that forms the best habitat for all types of seafood, from the smallest shrimp to the largest whales. Our divers bring the seaweed to shore, where the huge Laminaria japonica leaves are hung across wooden fences to quickly dry in the sun in the traditional Japanese way. The seaweed is then transported to a plant where it is soaked in fresh water, which is retained so as not to lose the water-soluble polysaccharides. Within about eight hours the leaves return to their original size and the outer skin can be removed. All the heavy fivers are disposed of, and the remaining inner part is ground up. The resulting thick, rubbery substance is dried in a vacuum chamber without using heat so as not to lose any of the original nutrients. The benefits of brown seaweed have been known for centuries past by those cultures who use it. Our brown seaweed products are produced exclusively from the Laminaria japonica species. This species contains high levels of:

ALGINATES – are extremely effective organic elements that assist the body with detoxification.

ORGANIC IODINE – can boost the immune system and help support a healthy Thyroid gland which controls metabolism and can therefore assist with weight loss.

FUCOIDAN – can eliminate harmful cells, such as cancerous cells from the body.

LAMINARIN – A polysaccharide which can help in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Today, Fucoidan is the subject of more than 600 unsolicited, independent, third-party scientific studies that all validate its astonishing life-sustaining, immune-supporting properties. It’s hailed in such reputable medical journals as:

  • Anticancer Research
  • Infection and Immunity
  • The British Journal of Pharmacology
  • Nutrition and Cancer
  • Developmental Biology
  • The Journal of Molecular Immunology
  • Journal of Neuroimmunology
  • Antibiotics and Chemotherapy
  • Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research

Working on both a cellular and sub-cellular level, FUCOIDAN boasts an almost endless list of health benefits. Based on the research, FUCOIDAN may just be the most powerful immune-supporting nutrient ever discovered!

Highly Concentrated

Biofilam is not just a regular dried seaweed product. It is a highly concentrated and specialised extract of kelp. FORTY FIVE pounds of raw seaweed goes into making just ONE pound of Biofilam. Basically, a 5 gram teaspoon of powder is like eating 1/4 kilogram of raw kelp. That’s around an entire plateful of super-healthy seaweed in one small spoon!

Where is the kelp harvested?
Our brown seaweed is harvested from the clean, pristine waters of the Northern Pacific Ocean. Every batch is tested for impurities such as heavy metals and radioactive isotopes to ensure it’s purity.
Why is Biofilam (Laminaria japonica) so unique and beneficial?
One of the main qualities of Laminaria is its high content of alginates, which are enhanced by the extraction process used to produce BIOFILAM. Alginates are the most effective organic elements that enable the human body to get rid of heavy metals and toxins. Not all “algae” have alginates; blue or green algae does not. According to scientific testing, only this brown seaweed does! The unique method of extraction, as well as the quality of this seaweed, to produce Biofilam is some of the best in the world. BIOFILAM has about 55% of the highest quality of alginates.
Patented low-temperature drying
The low-temperature processing of BIOFILAM causes sloughing off of the heavy outer fibers of the seaweed, while retaining the essential properties of the plant. This process further enhances its bio-availability, making the Laminaria more digestible. Forty five pounds of raw Laminaria are required to make one pound of BIOFILAM. Eating 8 capsules of extract a day provides the same amount of good, organic micro- and macro-elements contained in entire plate of this nutrient-rich seaweed. And, it is not cooked. The oldest Japanese recipes of preparing seaweed tell us to eat seaweed raw, rather than cooked. Modern science affirms that an anti-cancer substance called Fucoidan, as well as beneficial polysaccharides, will break down if the seaweed is cooked. This was determined when studies were performed on the Japanese island Okinawa, known for its lowest cancer death rate in Japan.
Powerful Heavy Metal & Radioactive Isotope Detoxifier / eliminator
The combination these active ingredients in Laminaria Japonica make it an extremely effective detoxifier of heavy metals and radioactive elements. Together, these ingredients are ideal absorbers of toxins because they bond with these contaminants and promote their disposal outside the body. The toxins that we absorb from our environment can be linked with many diseases. For example, it is suspected that an accumulation of excess aluminum may contribute to a brain deterioration known as Alzheimer’s disease. Radiation from nuclear fallout, X-rays, microwaves, high-voltage power lines, televisions, computer monitors, cell phones and many other sources saturate people with radiation which can contribute to cellular distortion, leukemia and other forms of cancer, birth defects, anemia and other diseases. The elements found in Laminaria Japonica were first used in Chernobyl to treat victims of radioactive fallout with great success. Today research and testing is continuously done all over the world, confirming the beneficial nutritional and medical uses of brown seaweed. In fact, more and more beneficial uses for it are continuously discovered. People all over the world can claim to brown seaweed prolonging life and preventing disease by bolstering the immune system. It can protect against Thyroid cancer and other cancers, help decrease high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It can detoxify the body from radioactive elements and other bio-chemical pollutants, over-processed foods infused with unnatural chemicals as well as the affects from use of drugs and alchohol. It can help with negative affects of poor nutrition and unbalanced diet, weight loss, hair and nail growth as well as much, much more.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Jesenia Cuevas Perez
I love this product!!

This product really helps my gut! I tried alot of supplements for my digestive system but none of them would work. Luckily, I found this product from, and now I can say I found the one powder and healer to my gut!!! I'm so happy and thankful with this purchased!!!!

Nora Wohlfeld
Good & Good For You

I was sold on the health value of this product as two people in the healthfood industry highly recommended it to me. It is also consistent with my respect for the health-giving benefits of sea vegetables. What surprised me was, at least for me, its mild and agreeable taste. It doesn’t taste fishy at all. Its flavor blends right in with potatoes, vegetables and smoothies. Since it is such a concentrated product, I feel I need to use only about 3/4 teaspoon. The free shipping is always a great plus! Of course it is wonderful to find a vendor of a health product who sincerely cares about every aspect of quality. I am happy to pay the price for real quality and I am happy to support this company.

Roxanne Bryan
Amazing Product

I have been taking 1 teaspoon of biofilam. These are the changes that I have noticed so far: my severe brain fog is gone. I was very underweight, weight is coming on gradually. I have been getting alot of mucus being removed from my lungs. My hair and eyebrows were getting very thin and not growing, as soon as I started taking biofilam the growth started. My hair is much thicker now and so are NY eyebrows. My energy has increased, no more day time naps needed. I can honestly say this products has made such a positive difference in my health/body. I am greatful for for such an amazing product. Plan to use it for a while to remove heavy metals and balance out thyroid function.

Hello Roxanne,
Thanks very much for sharing your experience with Biofilam.
I’m glad to hear it has been so beneficial to you.

Wishing you all the best of health,


Excellent addition to supplements

Biofilam seaweed is a potent way to add nutrients to your body and help detox and lower inflammation. I like adding a little apple cider vinegar to help get it down. Sea nutrients are my favorite way to boost my nutrition, and this product is top quality.

Hello Cherilynn.
Thanks very much for sharing your love of Biofilam and sea nutrients.

Yes, they are wonderful. The full spectrum of elements, in an easy to digest form.

Wishing you all the best of health,


So easier to take than realized!

This supplement is actually easier than I expected it to be. It’s also has a myriad of benefits especially in this day and age!

Thank you Teddie for your review.
I’m glad to hear you found the BIOFILAM is easy to take.

Wishing you all the best of health,

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